Optimise your decisions with real-time voyage data such as vessel speed and fuel consumption.
Dolphin Monitoring™ Real-time software enables shore users to visualize ship’s operational parameters and performance data such as vessel speed, consumption, and essential voyage information in real-time.
Providing a real-time connection provides to office personnel a virtual image of the ship or fleet by viewing ship performance live as well as historically and drill down to individual parameters for each asset. Notifications related to fleet and ship(s) are available live, and analysis can be completed with the click of a button.
Key Features
24/7 connection to vessel with real-time dashboards, analysis, notifications, and reports
Visualize equipment parameters in real-time and historically.
Provides live notifications from the ship about alerts and pre-set conditions.
Access intelligent analysis combining one or more parameters in real-time.
View 3rd party integrated weather parameters from the ship’s location.
Create cases for subsequent communication.
Access your ship anytime, anywhere.
24/7 visibility of ship’s equipment and its condition
Reduce dependency on ship’s crew for condition monitoring.
Shore staff can assist ship’s crew better during emergencies.